Hi, I'm Christine Luken, Financial Dignity® Coach
If you're feeling even a little frustrated or anxious about money, I completely understand!
I was once drowning financially and I remember feeling ashamed & embarrassed about my money mess.
Yes, I hit financial rock bottom DESPITE having an accounting degree!
I knew what I was supposed to be doing, and yet, I couldn't seem to set out of my own way with money.
Why? Because money is emotional, and our brains don't process it in a logical way. (In between the black & white, there are many shades of green.)
I learned so much on my way back to prosperity, and I'm ready to teach it all to you.
If you've tried affirmations, vision boards, visualization, (maybe even rubbing a crystal or two on your wallet) and yet you're still struggling with money, I know why.
(There are these pesky little "gremlins" in our unconscious mind, pushing away the abundance we say we SO desperately want!)
I'm NOT just giving you a list of positive affirmations and sending you on your way. I’m providing you proven system of money mindset tools to rewire your brain for financial success!
I know they work because I've field-tested them on both myself & with hundreds of my financial coaching clients. Now, I'm offering them to you.
So you won't be repelling money anymore. Instead, you'll be welcoming in abundance with open arms! 🙂